Do we have to use Year A readings for the RCIA scrutinies?

Photo by gotyma from Getty Images Pro.

7 thoughts on “Do we have to use Year A readings for the RCIA scrutinies?”

  1. Wow! I hear this question all the time and am very grateful for the response from the professionals in our field. I think the person who wrote and asked this question should have consulted someone before they “rewrote” the ritual.I’m sure many of us have thought about this too but we decided to hold fast to the ritual as we have found the Church has much more wisdom than we do.

  2. I’m going to forward this to my Pastor. He insists that we do the rituals and use the readings for the A, B or C readings, because he says the people expect and prepare for the year we are in because they ‘all use the missallettes’ argh!…I tell him that the prayers of the rite don’t make sense and neither do the actions if you use the readings from B or C. Plus, the missallettes have the year A readings in them every year!!
    Thanks, Nick!

  3. I am printing this article for our priests.

    Every year, our priests would initially argue against using Cycle A of the readings for the Scrutinies. Their reason is the same – people don’t get to hear Cycle B and C plus they didn’t want to prepare two homilies. Well, the two previous priests that we had did not mind preparing two homilies I guess after much thought and prayer. We have two new priests from the Philippines where there is no RCIA. After some discussions at our last staff meeting, the parish administrator decided that he would do all the Scrutinies using Cycle A while the other priest will celebrate all the other Masses using Cycle C readings.

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