Why is this training necessary?
If your catechumenate is not bursting at the seams, then there are two potential reasons. It is possible (but not likely) that everyone within driving distance of your parish is already evangelized.
It is also possible (and more likely) that we are not inviting strangers into a relationship with Christ.
What will be covered in the training?
In the next online training session, we’re going to dig into the crucial importance of the first stage of the catechumenate process—evangelization.
- We’ll clear up some misunderstandings about this first period of the catechumenate that may be hindering our evangelization efforts.
- As always, we will also be delivering a ton of practical “how to’s” for you and your team so you walk away with some doable next steps.
- Finally, we’ll dream together about what might happen in your parish if we all get more serious about evangelization.
But don’t take our word for it. Here is one person’s response to a recent Team Initiation webinar:
“Thank you for your webinar. It was very informative, logically presented, and many creative ideas were shared. Since this is my first experience as team leader, it was a ‘gold mine’ of info and resources.”
Sr. Barbara Daniels, MSC
Reading, Pennsylvania
Invite everyone on your team, and be sure not to miss this essential training.
How does the training work?
The hosts will be live, and participants can view the hosts’ webcam. Participants will not have their webcams or mics enabled, but all participants can add comments and questions through the chat function.
The training lasts officially for one hour. However, the hosts will remain online for as long as participants have questions.
Is there a fee for the training?
The live training is free and open to everyone.
Will there be a recording available later?
A recording will be available for all Team Initiation Members. If you are not yet a member, you can learn more about the benefits of membership here.