
Fasting and Feasting: Preparing Hearts for the Easter Mysteries

As we mark the progression of Lent week by week, we may be finding that the practices of prayer, fasting, and doing works of charity are becoming more like habits, like automatically putting our coins into the “Mission Box” for organizations like Holy Childhood or Catholic Relief Services. Or intentionally avoiding the fridge on fasting […]

Fasting and Feasting: Preparing Hearts for the Easter Mysteries

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The 14th through 17th Sundays in Ordinary Time

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here. Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Background:The journey to Jerusalem has begun; and, in Luke’s vision, it will not end until faithful believers have brought the good news of the kingdom/reign of God to the ends of the earth. This Sunday’s gospel selection

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The 14th through 17th Sundays in Ordinary Time

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – Pentecost through the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here. Pentecost – 2nd Reading alternate, Gospel Selection A . Background: In Luke’s chronology Jesus sends the Spirit on the fiftieth day after the resurrection. In John he sends the Spirit on the evening of Easter Day itself. Whatever the chronology, the crucial

To access this post, you must purchase Team Initiation Membership.

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – Pentecost through the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Third Sunday of Easter through Ascension Sunday

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here. Third Sunday of Easter Background: Each year this Sunday has as its Gospel selection a description of a meal that the risen Jesus shares with his disciples, reminding us that the repeatable sacrament of initiation is the Eucharist. In this year’s passage Jesus

To access this post, you must purchase Team Initiation Membership.

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Third Sunday of Easter through Ascension Sunday

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