
Blogging to evangelize

If you are trying to attract inquirers to your parish, consider blogging. A blog will draw people to your community every day of the year, at all hours of the day. Why should you blog? Here are five benefits to creating a blog for your outreach ministry. Attraction. When you write about compelling topics and […]

Blogging to evangelize

Common sense ideas for attracting millennials to your parish

I’m going to save you $5,000. That’s how much 27-year-old consultant Gabrielle Jackson Bosche charges to translate the world of millennials into concepts older people can understand. Most of what she has to say, however, is common sense. Decoding the millennial generation Bosche frames her insights for the business world, but it is easy enough

Common sense ideas for attracting millennials to your parish

Four ways RCIA teams can inculturate Christian life in the digital world

There are four major components of Christian life in which we train the catechumens: word, community, worship, and witness through works of mercy (see RCIA 75). Today, we have to ask how these areas of Christian life translate in the digital culture. (Click here to read my previous article on evangelization and catechesis in a

Four ways RCIA teams can inculturate Christian life in the digital world

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