8 Powerful Steps to Attract Inquirers

Photo by by ljubaphoto from Getty Images Signature.

2 thoughts on “8 Powerful Steps to Attract Inquirers”

  1. I love this. Every point was very powerful. I especially liked #7. I plan to use and share this. Thank you for. Along this message so clear.

  2. Nick, for some reason, and I’m sure it’s the Holy Spirit, last week I reread the testimonial given by one of our neophytes a few years back. (You can see it on our website at stjohndavison.org and click on “Becoming Catholic” scroll down to Jenna Stephens testimony) It inspired me to talk aboutinitiating an Evangelization Weekend at the parish and have Jenna speak at all the Masses once again, focusing in some way on the people in the pews who have not completed sacraments or never been baptized. We have several of them that we know about and I am sure there are many more that we do not know about. I am going to begin a discussion on this with our team and see where it goes. Then today this post from you came up and it has given me even more insight. I am excited about it, so we will see where it goes.

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