A few things you probably didn’t know about the scrutinies

Photo by Jason Wong on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “A few things you probably didn’t know about the scrutinies”

  1. Our pastor will not do the year A readings for the scrutinies. He stated to me that he doesn’t have the time to do multiple homilies for the multiple Masses that he says on the weekend, so he will be using the year B reading for the scrutinies and the RCIA team will be beaking open the word with the year A readings with the catechumens after their dismissal. Didn’t know how to counter his argument.

    1. Hi Juliann. As I wrote in the article above, the lectionary allows for the use of the Year A readings on the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Sundays of Lent even if the scrutinies are not being celebrated. So your parish could proclaim the Year A readings at all the multiple Masses on the weekend, and only one homily text would be required.

      On the other hand, if the parish discerns it is necessary to proclaim the Year B or C readings at the non-scrutiny Masses, the preacher would not be required to write “multiple” homilies. He only needs to write two. And although I am not a homilist, I do a fair amount of public speaking. I often use the same basic “script” in multiple venues with slight adaptations for each particular case. I would be a simple matter to adapt the homiletic text from the last time Year A was preached to this year’s celebration of the scrutinies. That would not be my ideal solution, but it is a better option than depriving the elect of encountering Christ in the traditional readings for the scrutinies.

      This article may be helpful to you: https://teaminitiation.com/2024/01/why-the-year-a-readings-for-the-scrutinies-matter-for-making-disciples/

      Thank you for all the great work you are doing.

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