TeamRCIA planning days

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8 thoughts on “TeamRCIA planning days”

  1. Work with diocesan offices: worship, evangelization and Christian formation to find RCIA homes for support at the diocesan level

    Explore the implications of the baptismal catechumenate being in the inspiration for all catechesis

    Explore “conversion catechesis”

    Thanks for all you are doing, have done and the ways the Lord will use you in this vital ministry!


  2. I would like to see an offering on the “Interview” process, skills needed, best practices, etc. It seems that the initial discernment for most parishes is “filling out the forms” rather than listening to the person’s faith story to get them into the correct process and to assess any other needs. This holds true not only for RCIA but for all of the sacraments – Baptism, 1st Eucharist, Confirmation (adults & Teens)and Marriage. We would like to provide a learning experience for our Archdiocese.

  3. I enjoy and learn so much from all your articles. I don’t have a budget so always cannot purchase different books or participate in your webcan sessions.. hope to meet you at the LA Congress in March 2014.

    I would like info on preparing for Adult Confirmation sessions. Also, I use the RCL books in our sessions for candidates and catechumens, any other updated materials available?
    Thank you and God Bless you in your ministry.

  4. Hi Margaret. I sympathize with your lack of budget. That’s why about 90 percent of the resources on TeamRCIA are free. You can get a good overview of what’s available on this page:

    For materials on Adult Confirmation, I would recommend choosing elements from the Faith, Life, & Creed series. You can see more about it here:

    Thanks for all your dedication!

  5. I would love to see more materials for teens in the RCIA. They seem to be a forgotten group. We have several in our program right now, and I am constantly trying to find appropriate materials, especially for Reconciliation and Eucharist.

    Thanks for all you do!

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