27 thoughts on “Merry Christmas from TeamRCIA”

  1. Donna Eschenauer

    Merry Christmas to all of you.

    Thank you for all you do to foster sound information for initiation ministry.
    (The video was terific).

    Donna Eschenauer
    Rockville Centre, New York

  2. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your website and helpfulness. We are using Faith, Life, and Creed and find it amazingly thorough and a great gift as we try to keep the call to conversion before us at every session and dismissal rite, and the other rituals. I also greatly appreciate the webcasts that you offer. My ministry in RCIA has truly been enriched by all that you offer us. And congratulations on your new website.

    And just a note, two years ago we changed our policy and only children who are unbaptized are in our Rite of Christian Initiation for children. We presently have five children. Before 2008 we were having 35-40 children who were catching up with their sacraments. This year we have 40 students who are catching up with sacraments, grades 3-8.
    Thanks for your reminders to stay true to the ritual.

    A blessed Advent and peace filled Christmas!

  3. A Very Merry Christmas to all of the staff at Team RCIA. You have been such a blessing to all of us in Initiation Ministry through all of your hard work and dedication to the process. We have benefited greatly from the Webinars and Website and look forward to continuing the journey with you throughout the coming year.

  4. Thanks for the Christmas Season wishes. I wish the same for all of you. Thanks to Sister Miriam for her classes she held here in the East Bay on RCIA a few years ago. Her inspiration has made our Rite’s more meaningful. I have truly enjoyed your Website and Webinars. They are so full of information and encouragement that I use a lot of it in our sessions and continue to improve each year. I’m looking forward to the session on Descernment you might be having next year. Again Thank you for all that you do for us newbees.

  5. John Frauenfelder

    Your Christmas greetings captured the essence of this special time of celebration and, like the offerings you bring our way throughout the year, your message has been inspirational and an invitation to reflect deeply on the meaning of this season. Thank you – may Christmas be for you all you invite Chrismas to be for us!

  6. Merry and Holy Christmas to you all. I have met you Nick at a couple of Forum Institutes but it is nice to put a face to the names of the rest of Team RCIA. In these days of budget shortfalls and long distances (I live in Montana) it is great to feel connected to other Initiation ministers and Team RCIA is a wonderful resource.

  7. Thanks for all the resources Team RCIA offers. Not only is the site helpful to me but it is a great training resource for my team. Thank you for your much needed contribution to this ministry. Peace, Loyes Spayd

  8. Well, this was just fun! Thank you for the gifts you are…thank you for the gifts you share, and thank you for reminding us that life in Christ is joyful!

  9. Merry Christmas to all of you as well.

    Our RCIA team loves your newsletters and electronic lesson plans. You have enriched our process in many ways. RCIA lived in both the adult and childrens ministries is a blessed and beautiful experience. We have 14 adults and 26 children presently preparing for sacraments of initiation. Thank you for all your help. We wish you all much joy.


  10. Patricia Cuthbert

    Christmas greetings to all of you. Thank you so much for the beautiful, meaningful Christmas Greeting.

    God bless all of you and may the Newborn Christ be with all of you.

    Pat C.
    Johnstown, PA

  11. Christmas gretings from Penrith, NSW Australia. May the Christ child bring you much love, peace and happiness at this special time of the year.Thank you to all at Team RCIA for the inspirational resources and support you maske avialable for this imporatnt ministry. May 2010 be filled with a generous spirit and heart.
    love and blessings.

  12. Thanks so much for your Christmas greetings.
    I really appreciate your ministry especially the recent webinars. Truly we are journeying together in this universal community.

    Nick, you welcome us and point out that you have fake snow, Well, we have the real stuff. As i write this we are experiencing our first major winter storm with lots of snow, winds and temperation below 0 (F).. Care to join us for the real thing?

    Christmas blessings!


  13. Thank you for making me smile this morning. I love your Christmas greeting! We are truly blessed to be a part of this ministry. May each of you know the joy and the peace of the season.

  14. Barbara Croom, ASC

    What a wonderful, uplifting, joy-filled Christmas Greeting, Thank You so very much!

    May God bless each and everyone of you, especially for your tireless giving of your gifts and talents that you generously share with all of us. It has been a blessing for me. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you! Peace and Joy the whole year long!

  15. Blessings to you all for a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for your sharing of your gifts with all of us in Initiation Ministry. You have made my ministry more joyful and productive for sure!

  16. Debbie Stollery

    With gratitude for all the ways each of you have brought the miracle of God-with-us to each of us. May you too know the many graces of this season.

  17. Thank you, Barb. Methinks you can no longer be called a “newbee” after your certification and experience! Keep up the good work and your passion for the process. Blessings to you and yours for this wonderful season!

  18. Dear Team RCIA,
    Thank you for the warm Seasonal greetings and special Christmas blessings! I am so grateful for all you do for the RCIA process. You have helped me immensely. I sincerely appreciate your expertise and willing spirit.
    Merry Christmas to each of you,
    Sr. Gloria and Team

  19. That’a a great card!! Thank you Team RCIA! Your help to our RCIA at St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church has been a God send! Literally! We visit your site all the time to see what new offerings you have for us. You are a blessing for us. Many, many thanks!

    Wishing everyone at Team RCIA a vey Blessed & Joyful Christmas!

  20. Thank you for the wonderful card and all of your support and insight. I love Nick Wagner’s newly published book and am anxiously waiting for after Christmas to give it to my Candidates and Catechumens! Thank you, Carol

  21. Sister Ruth, S.S.N.D.

    To one and All,
    Christmas blessing.
    May the Christ Child bring you the peace and hope that you are longing.
    Gratefully in Notre Dame
    Sister Ruth, S.S.N.D.

  22. Hello and best wishes for a blessed Christmas season to all of you! We truly appreciate all the good work that you do, in and through Forum and Team RCIA! — And all your other efforts as well! TeamRCIA is on on-going blessing to so many of us — and we look forward to continuing to learn and grow and minister together! Shalom!

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