Evaluating your hospitality at Mass

6 thoughts on “Evaluating your hospitality at Mass”

  1. Here’s another one I thought of. Do the Communion ministers look you in the eye and smile? I’m sure they don’t mean to, but often the Communion ministers look like they are angry! Or in a hurry.

  2. Pat Guilbeault

    How about this?
    Are the lectors prepared so that the Word is proclaimed with reverence, clarity and power?
    Do the lectors communicate the Word with their bodies? Are we convinced that THEY believe what they are proclaiming?
    Does it appear that their whole selves, heart and body, are cooperating with God to speak to God’s people?

  3. Fr. Arockiam Savarimuthu

    Fantastic! Much valued suggestions for a Sunday Mass to be a happy community experience. I wish to have all these suggestions read in the church at the end of the Sunday Mass not only to make the people aware of them but to get more people involved in implementing them. Also I would like to place these for reflection at the Parish Pastoral Council Meeting for immediate and meaningful implementation. Thanks to all who made these suggestions. I foresee a tremendous enthusiasm among the parishioners to help enjoy the Sunday liturgy.

    Thanks to Grouard-McLennan Archdiocesan Faith Formation Committee to have introduced to me this RCIA Team Communication Link.

    1. Fr. Arockiam Savarimuthu

      A couple of Suggestions:

      1. All those who are to go on the procession at the start of the Mass should be ready ahead of time with their appropriate accessories such as Book of the Gospels by the Reader, Stole by the Extraordinary Minister, Cross and Candles by the Altar-servers etc.
      2. The Commentator could be well prepared to welcome the new comers publicly. He/she could guide the congregation where and necessary according to the type of celebration of Mass on a given Sunday, apart from having a list of announcement to be made at the end of the Mass.

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