minor rites

What are celebrations of the word? How to give your RCIA seekers a foretaste of heaven

When I was in college in the late 1970s, I read the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy for the first time. I remember highlighting and underlining so many phrases from that document. It was like someone had given me the key to a treasure chest. Some key passages include the teaching that Christ is present […]

What are celebrations of the word? How to give your RCIA seekers a foretaste of heaven

Q&A: How to celebrate the Anointing of the Catechumens and other RCIA minor rites in pandemic

Q. I have a question about the minor rites. Because of COVID, should we skip all exorcisms, blessings, and anointings before the Rite of Election? Or should we try and include the anointing at the Rite of Election? Is the anointing in the minor rites the same thing as the prebaptismal anointing? A. I would not

Q&A: How to celebrate the Anointing of the Catechumens and other RCIA minor rites in pandemic

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