
What does baptism do? A mystagogy on the sacramental act of washing

Someone recently asked on Facebook, “What is the Easter Vigil for?” The person asking is from a Christian tradition that does not usually celebrate baptisms at the Vigil. If you’re old enough, you will remember when that was true for Roman Catholics. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults was issued shortly after Vatican II,

What does baptism do? A mystagogy on the sacramental act of washing

Will your Rite of Election be a true decision point this year?

Will the Rite of Election be celebrated in your parish worship space this year? Many dioceses are shifting the rite out of the cathedral and into the parish because of the COVID-19 pandemic. And in dioceses where the celebration will still be held at the cathedral, the number of people present will be dramatically smaller

Will your Rite of Election be a true decision point this year?

Q&A: Eight ways to get RCIA buy-in from everyone in the parish—including the pastor

Q. How do I get buy-in for my RCIA vision from the parish leadership and faith community? A. This question is at the heart of being human and being in relationship. Differences among us are baked into our DNA. The challenge is, in spite of all our differences, how do we join together to proclaim

Q&A: Eight ways to get RCIA buy-in from everyone in the parish—including the pastor

What do RCIA teams do with the elect now that baptisms are postponed?

Many parishes organize their catechumenate ministry on a school-year model. While this is not the vision of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, it is nevertheless a reality in many communities. However, the isolation and distancing requirements of the coronavirus outbreak have disrupted that model. And now, we’re feeling a little panicked. What in

What do RCIA teams do with the elect now that baptisms are postponed?

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