Search Results for: Confirmation

Baptismal Garments

What do I wear?! That’s a question I get often when I’m planning liturgies. Whether it’s the confirmation candidate, the newly-ordained, or even the bishop, himself, we have a natural concern over what to wear. The baptismal rite in the RCIA gives us at least one answer: Put on Christ. Therefore we physically clothe the […]

Baptismal Garments

What is Mystagogy?

Mystagogy: Savoring the Mystery of God by Diana Macalintal © 2007, Diana Macalintal. All rights reserved. Whodunit? Secret? Science? God is a mystery, but not like an Agatha Christie novel, or a secret reserved only for special people, or a math problem to be solved. God is a mystery in the way that grandma’s love

What is Mystagogy?

RCIA Discernment: How do you know if they "know enough"?

How do you know if the inquirers or catechumens “know enough”? When are they ready to move to the next stage? Discerning readiness is often a subjective art. Discernment in terms of faith is not a completely rational process in the way that decision-making is often simply weighing the pros and cons and choosing the

RCIA Discernment: How do you know if they "know enough"?

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