3 Prayers for Catechumens around the time of the Rite of Election
25 training articles on Lent
- Catechumens and Lent: Navigating the Liminal State
- 17 best prayer practices for RCIA team members
- Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Fifth Sunday of Lent through the Second Sunday of Easter
- Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The First through Fourth Sundays in Lent
- Initiation team resources for Lent, Triduum and the Easter Season
- What does Lent have to offer the baptized candidates?
- What the scrutinies do to the elect in the RCIA process
- Seven ways RCIA teams can make Holy Saturday holier
- Q&A: Can we celebrate confirmation with an RCIA candidate when the bishop comes to our parish?
- Q&A: How to celebrate the Anointing of the Catechumens and other RCIA minor rites in pandemic
- Q&A: What rites can we celebrate with RCIA baptized candidates in Lent?
- How to celebrate the Scrutinies and Presentations during coronavirus restrictions
- Avoid these blunders when celebrating the presentations
- A few things you probably didn’t know about the scrutinies
- Q&A: If you don’t use Year A readings, can you omit the Scrutinies?
- Q&A: Can you celebrate the Scrutinies with baptized candidates if you have no catechumens?
- 10 Ways to Involve Parishioners in the RCIA Process
- How to Celebrate the Scrutinies without Scaring the Catechumens
- Are you worried that your RCIA seekers aren’t ready?
- Do your parishioners dread or love the Lenten RCIA rites?
- Last minute RCIA questions
- RCIA vs. Hollywood—the true meaning of “exorcism”
- Do we have to use Year A readings for the RCIA scrutinies?
- 17 best prayer practices for RCIA team members
- How will you catechize your RCIA group about anti-Semitism?
15 training articles on Triduum
- Confirmation
- Vatican guidelines on the Triduum in time of Coronavirus
- RCIA, the Triduum, and Coronavirus
- Conditional baptism is like being struck by lightning: What RCIA teams need to know
- This is the night
- Our RCIA goal for Holy Week
- A Study of Two Baptismal Fonts
- How Pope Francis knelt in front of 12 teenage prisoners and taught us to be master RCIA catechists
- Four quick real-life tips for celebrating the Triduum with children
- Pelicans on Good Friday
- How will you catechize your RCIA group about anti-Semitism?
- The Triduum and Children in the RCIA
- The bees are back!
- Holy Week meditations—not just for RCIA teams
- The Easter Vigil
7 Webinar recordings on Lent
- Lent: A Crash Course in Christianity for the Elect
- Discernment Skills for the Rite of Election…and Beyond
- Plan a Successful Discernment Retreat
- How to Teach Reconciliation
- Planning Basics for the Rite of Sending and the Rite of Election
- Practical, essential do’s and don’ts for the scrutinies
- The Scrutinies: An ongoing process for completing the conversion of the elect
Online Course: Lenten Rites of the RCIA

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