Training Articles

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Watch your language

“When do your classes start?” If you’re an RCIA coordinator you probably hear this question on a regular basis. Most times you hear it from seekers, but I’ve also heard it from our own parish staff. I have two problems with this question. First is the use of the word “classes.” Second is with the […]

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Watch your language

Atlanta RCIA institute discovers life-changing aspects of the RCIA

“Life-changing.” That’s how almost everyone describes their favorite Southern dish in Atlanta. Sometimes we had multiple life changing experiences in one day. It started the night we landed in Atlanta for our most recent Making Disciples RCIA Institute. Our friend, Kathy Kuczka, waited patiently for our hour-late flight, and then rushed us to Muss and

Atlanta RCIA institute discovers life-changing aspects of the RCIA

Warm hearts in Saskatoon

Diana Macalintal and I spent two days in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan recently, where the temperature dipped to minus-20 degrees Farenheit! But while the temperature was frigid outside, the hospitality and enthusiasm were warm inside. We were there to meet with faith formation leaders from across the diocese to discuss ways to inspire active, committed, lifelong faith

Warm hearts in Saskatoon

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