
Double your RCIA team size

Guest post from Katherine Coolidge, Pastoral Associate, St. John Fisher Church, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA. Our RCIA team nearly doubled in size this year thanks to a program called Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP). CRHP is an overnight retreat given by parishioners, for parishioners. Reconciliation and Eucharist are celebrated with our parish priests. The witness

Double your RCIA team size

Help TeamRCIA go social

In the past month, the Office of Communications of the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) published a document on social media guidelines. The publication of the guidelines coincided with a recent conversation among the team members of TeamRCIA—Diana, Nick, Rita, Miriam, and Rita—during which we discussed our desire to grow our Web site

Help TeamRCIA go social

What are your limits?

All of us live within limits. This is a paradox. It is a paradox because we tell the catechumens that God’s love has no limits. God can overcome any obstacle. We tell the catechumens that no matter what their situation or their history, God will show them a solution. We say that. And at the

What are your limits?

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