What does baptism do? A mystagogy on the sacramental act of washing

Someone recently asked on Facebook, “What is the Easter Vigil for?” The person asking is from a Christian tradition that does not usually celebrate baptisms at the Vigil. If you’re old enough, you will remember when that was true for Roman Catholics. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults was issued shortly after Vatican II,

What does baptism do? A mystagogy on the sacramental act of washing


Most people who want to delay the confirmation or first Communion of children who are baptized through the catechumenate process believe it is more pastoral for the children to celebrate confirmation or first Communion when they are older, with their peers who were baptized as infants. Two reasons for this run along the following lines


Q&A: Does the RCIA have a category for unbaptized, catechized seekers?

Q: What would you do with someone coming from a tradition that baptizes adults and older teens and so was catechized but never baptized? We don’t have an unbaptized, catechized, category. A:This is a great question, and it is actually a fairly common one. In the United States and in some parts of Canada and

Q&A: Does the RCIA have a category for unbaptized, catechized seekers?

Q&A: When should we introduce seekers to the Sign of the Cross?

Q: When is the appropriate time for an inquirer or catechumen to begin using the Sign of the Cross? A: You have probably heard the saying, lex orandi, lex credendi (the law of praying establishes the law of belief). The Sign of the Cross perfectly illustrates that maxim. However, there do not seem to be any canonical or juridical

Q&A: When should we introduce seekers to the Sign of the Cross?

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