Q&A: Can directors of the catechumenate be godparents of their catechumens?

Q. I am the director of the catechumenate process in my parish. I was asked by two of my catechumens to be their godmother. While I am so humbled, I am not sure what the proper protocol is. Is it okay for catechumenate directors to be godparents of their catechumens? A. As long as you […]

Q&A: Can directors of the catechumenate be godparents of their catechumens?

Q&A: Can we celebrate confirmation with an RCIA candidate when the bishop comes to our parish?

Q. We have a candidate who was baptized as a Baptist going through RCIA. Can he be confirmed with our teen confirmation candidates when the bishop comes to celebrate? A.Thanks for reaching out. Your candidate needs to celebrate the Rite of Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church prescribed in RCIA Part II:5.

Q&A: Can we celebrate confirmation with an RCIA candidate when the bishop comes to our parish?

Q&A: How to celebrate the Anointing of the Catechumens and other RCIA minor rites in pandemic

Q. I have a question about the minor rites. Because of COVID, should we skip all exorcisms, blessings, and anointings before the Rite of Election? Or should we try and include the anointing at the Rite of Election? Is the anointing in the minor rites the same thing as the prebaptismal anointing? A. I would not

Q&A: How to celebrate the Anointing of the Catechumens and other RCIA minor rites in pandemic

Q&A: What rites can we celebrate with RCIA baptized candidates in Lent?

Q. We do not have any catechumens this year, and therefore no scrutinies. How do we liturgically engage in the journey of the baptized candidates? A. This is a common question. Because there are few Lenten preparation rites for the baptized candidates in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, we can tend to think that

Q&A: What rites can we celebrate with RCIA baptized candidates in Lent?

Q&A: Eight ways to get RCIA buy-in from everyone in the parish—including the pastor

Q. How do I get buy-in for my RCIA vision from the parish leadership and faith community? A. This question is at the heart of being human and being in relationship. Differences among us are baked into our DNA. The challenge is, in spite of all our differences, how do we join together to proclaim

Q&A: Eight ways to get RCIA buy-in from everyone in the parish—including the pastor

Q&A: Does the RCIA have a category for unbaptized, catechized seekers?

Q: What would you do with someone coming from a tradition that baptizes adults and older teens and so was catechized but never baptized? We don’t have an unbaptized, catechized, category. A:This is a great question, and it is actually a fairly common one. In the United States and in some parts of Canada and

Q&A: Does the RCIA have a category for unbaptized, catechized seekers?

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