Catechumens and the obligation to celebrate the scrutinies

Q. Do the catechumens have to celebrate the scrutinies before they are baptized? A. Catechumens are required to participate in all three scrutinies, which are central to their spiritual preparation for initiation. Only the bishop may dispense someone from the obligation of celebrating a scrutiny (see RCIA 20). The scrutinies are only for the elect

Catechumens and the obligation to celebrate the scrutinies

Q&A: Can a catechumen be baptized and then wait on confirmation and eucharist?

Q.  We have both child and adult catechumens who are asking if they can just be baptized and then continue on with their formation to celebrate confirmation and eucharist when they are ready. Is that possible? A. For both unbaptized adults and children who have reached the age of reason, when they are ready to

Q&A: Can a catechumen be baptized and then wait on confirmation and eucharist?

FAQ: Everything you need to know about the new translation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

1. Wait, there’s a new translation? Almost, but not quite yet. The United States bishops have approved a close-to-final translation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, and we are waiting on confirmation from Rome. So it’s not yet finished, but will be soon. 2. How soon? Well, in church years, “soon” could mean

FAQ: Everything you need to know about the new translation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

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