
Children, initiation, and mystagogy

The mystagogical period, when the newly initiated deepen their understanding through reflection on their lived experiences of ritual, is a profound and rewarding aspect of Christian initiation ministry. This process of mystagogy is especially powerful when working with children and youth. Young people seem to possess an innate openness and sensitivity to spiritual mysteries that […]

Children, initiation, and mystagogy

Mystagogy of the Easter Vigil

We found ourselves in the quiet, dimly lit church, a few evenings after the Easter Vigil. The neophytes, godparents, sponsors, candidates, catechumens, an inquirer, and team members were gathered, surrounded by the scent of incense and the sound of the flowing baptismal font, illuminated by the Paschal Candle. As we paused from our busy lives,

Mystagogy of the Easter Vigil

The first step in catechumenate formation is to recover our “capacity for symbol”

“How can we grow in our capacity to live in full the liturgical action?” asks Pope Francis in his June 29 apostolic letter on liturgical formation. “How do we continue to let ourselves be amazed at what happens in the celebration under our very eyes?” (31). I think this may be the most important question

The first step in catechumenate formation is to recover our “capacity for symbol”

Why the RCIA period of mystagogy is crucial for your neophytes

We have said many times before that mystagogy takes place throughout the entire catechumenate. If that’s so, why is there a particular period of the catechumenate specifically named “mystagogy”? To understand that, we have to understand how liturgy relates to catechesis. The church teaches that the liturgy is “the privileged place for catechizing the People

Why the RCIA period of mystagogy is crucial for your neophytes

What does baptism do? A mystagogy on the sacramental act of washing

Someone recently asked on Facebook, “What is the Easter Vigil for?” The person asking is from a Christian tradition that does not usually celebrate baptisms at the Vigil. If you’re old enough, you will remember when that was true for Roman Catholics. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults was issued shortly after Vatican II,

What does baptism do? A mystagogy on the sacramental act of washing

An RCIA calendar for celebrating the initiation rites outside the usual times

Fr. John Farley, a priest in the San Diego diocese, commented on our video, “RCIA, the Triduum, and Coronavirus.” Based on the guidelines in the Ceremonial of Bishops and in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, he proposed a possible schedule for celebrating the rites of initiation at a time later this year. In

An RCIA calendar for celebrating the initiation rites outside the usual times

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