
Fasting and Feasting: Preparing Hearts for the Easter Mysteries

As we mark the progression of Lent week by week, we may be finding that the practices of prayer, fasting, and doing works of charity are becoming more like habits, like automatically putting our coins into the “Mission Box” for organizations like Holy Childhood or Catholic Relief Services. Or intentionally avoiding the fridge on fasting […]

Fasting and Feasting: Preparing Hearts for the Easter Mysteries

Lent at home

Some experiences from my childhood have shaped my spirit and understanding of Lent. Once the solemn busyness of Ash Wednesday Mass was over, our family’s daily life in Lent was anything but normal. Our Lenten intentions of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving were posted on the refrigerator, and we strived to follow through, with Mom and

Lent at home

Catechumens and the obligation to celebrate the scrutinies

Q. Do the catechumens have to celebrate the scrutinies before they are baptized? A. Catechumens are required to participate in all three scrutinies, which are central to their spiritual preparation for initiation. Only the bishop may dispense someone from the obligation of celebrating a scrutiny (see RCIA 20). The scrutinies are only for the elect

Catechumens and the obligation to celebrate the scrutinies

Why the Year A readings for the scrutinies matter for making disciples

Every second and third year in parishes across the country, pastors and liturgical leaders ask, “Why can’t we use the Year B/C readings for the scrutinies this year?” It’s an understandable question. After all, the Sunday assembly would get to hear the important readings they are missing from the B or C cycle. Surely Year

Why the Year A readings for the scrutinies matter for making disciples

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Fifth Sunday of Lent through the Second Sunday of Easter

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here. Fifth Sunday of Lent Background: For the second Sunday in a row, we are presented with a story about a sinner and the self-righteous—who are also sinners but don’t want to admit it. Yet, as Paul says today, all this judgment of

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Fifth Sunday of Lent through the Second Sunday of Easter

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The First through Fourth Sundays in Lent

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here. First Sunday of Lent Background: To understand this Sunday’s gospel, we need to realize that we are jumping back over the unfolding of Jesus’s ministry in Galilee that we have been reading in the early Sundays of Ordinary Time and returning to his

To access this post, you must purchase TeamRCIA Free-Access Membership or Team Initiation Membership.

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The First through Fourth Sundays in Lent

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