
How to read a rite: Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

I’ve been smiling at the recent buzz about the “new rules” the bishops have issued for the catechumenate. The retranslation of the initiation rites, now called the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, has inspired many people to dive deep into the rite — perhaps for the first time. And that’s great! People are discovering […]

How to read a rite: Order of Christian Initiation of Adults

It takes a parish: Assembling your catechumenate dream team

Who do you need on your team for catechumenate ministry? That’s what we’re going to discuss in week two of the speaker series, “Building Blocks of the Catechumenate.” While the Order (Rite) of Christian Initiation of Adults itself never uses the word “team,” anyone who has ever worked in this ministry knows it’s impossible to

It takes a parish: Assembling your catechumenate dream team

Deeper look into the new National Statutes for catechumenate teams

Did you know the United States has national guidelines for the catechumenate? In the current translation, they are in an appendix at the back of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. In the new translation, they will be right up front and much easier to find. The current statutes have been in effect since

Deeper look into the new National Statutes for catechumenate teams

Building blocks of the catechumenate: Preparing for the new translation

After more than two years of talking about it, we are on the cusp of receiving the new translation of the initiation rites. You can order it now, and it will ship on November 1, 2024. To get us ready, Team Initiation is hosting an amazing four-week speaker series called “Building Blocks of the Catechumenate.”

Building blocks of the catechumenate: Preparing for the new translation

From maintenance to mission: Revitalizing our parishes for the future

In a previous article, we explored how each of us, as catechists, is called to move beyond our comfort zones and embrace the audacity of faith in our personal lives. Pope Francis has challenged us to be bold, to risk being “bruised” for the sake of the gospel rather than remaining “ill” within the confines

From maintenance to mission: Revitalizing our parishes for the future

Feeling overwhelmed as a catechumenate leader? Empower the assembly as your team

I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been there too—discouraged, overwhelmed, burnt out. You pour your heart into this ministry, work countless extra hours trying to get everything done, and still feel like you’re drowning. The responsibilities seem endless, new challenges arise daily, and despite your best efforts, things still slip through the cracks. You

Feeling overwhelmed as a catechumenate leader? Empower the assembly as your team

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