
Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Third Sunday of Easter through Ascension Sunday

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here.Third Sunday of EasterBackground: Each year this Sunday has as its Gospel selection a description of a meal that the risen Jesus shares with his disciples, reminding us that the repeatable sacrament of initiation is the Eucharist. In this year’s passage Jesus first shows […]

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Third Sunday of Easter through Ascension Sunday

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Fifth Sunday of Lent through the Second Sunday of Easter

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here.Fifth Sunday of LentBackground: For the second Sunday in a row, we are presented with a story about a sinner and the self-righteous—who are also sinners but don’t want to admit it. Yet, as Paul says today, all this judgment of others and

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Fifth Sunday of Lent through the Second Sunday of Easter

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The First through Fourth Sundays in Lent

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here.First Sunday of LentBackground: To understand this Sunday’s gospel, we need to realize that we are jumping back over the unfolding of Jesus’s ministry in Galilee that we have been reading in the early Sundays of Ordinary Time and returning to his baptism in

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The First through Fourth Sundays in Lent

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time to the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here.Fifth Sunday in Ordinary TimeBackground: Jesus continues his ministry of proclaiming the kingdom/reign of God in Galilee. Today Luke insists that it is the liberating Word of God that draws people to Jesus, not the miracles that he works to support the truth

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time to the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – Epiphany to the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here.EpiphanyBackground: Matthew’s predominantly Jewish audience would have been a bit startled by the three Gentile “wise men” who come to adore the newborn King of the Jews. Yet Second Temple Judaism through the writings of the prophets had inherited a universalist component—as we see

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – Epiphany to the Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The 2nd Sunday of Advent to the Feast of the Holy Family

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here.2nd Sunday in AdventBackground: We are a work in progress. Even including our catechumens, God’s good work has already been begun in us and is moving on to completion. Yet once again we have to do our part; we must face the ways

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year C – The 2nd Sunday of Advent to the Feast of the Holy Family

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year B – The 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time to Year C – The 1st Sunday of Advent

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here.32nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeBackground: Having arrived in Jerusalem, Jesus once again finds himself arguing with the scribes, the teachers, and interpreters of the Torah. Like all the other Hebrew prophets who have preceded him, he calls to account those whose actions do not

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year B – The 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time to Year C – The 1st Sunday of Advent

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year B – The 27th to 31st Sundays in Ordinary Time

27th Sunday in Ordinary TimeBackground: Although a less prominent theme than in Luke, Jesus’s final journey to Jerusalem serves in Mark as the framework for his final teachings about what life in the kingdom/reign of God is like. If we are to “follow” him on the way to cross and resurrection, what road must we

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers: Year B – The 27th to 31st Sundays in Ordinary Time

Six ways to convince others that the dismissal of catechumens is a good idea

Perhaps the most frequent question we get here at TeamRCIA is some version of: “How do I convince [INSERT NAME/TITLE] that they should do [INSERT ACTION]? For example: “How do I convince the pastor we should be dismissing the catechumens from Mass?” Other versions of the question involve trying to convince the deacon, the parishioners,

Six ways to convince others that the dismissal of catechumens is a good idea

Frequently asked questions about the RCIA dismissal of catechumens

Isn’t it inhospitable to dismiss catechumens from Mass? Everyone is dismissed from Mass. When we are dismissed depends upon which order of the church we belong to.In the early church, there were several orders of participants in the liturgy who were dismissed, all at different times: catechumens, energoumens (those possessed by demons), penitents, and the

Frequently asked questions about the RCIA dismissal of catechumens

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