
What would happen if every parish had an ongoing (year-round) RCIA process?

In a recent interview, Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, said that Pope Francis has opened the church to a strong emphasis on four theological priorities: mission encounter the peripheries mercy Accomplishing a shift to these priorities, he said, “will require changes on how we do and are church.” Cardinal Tobin did not mention the […]

What would happen if every parish had an ongoing (year-round) RCIA process?

Everybody into the pool — sorting the baptized candidates in the RCIA

When we have baptized candidates in the RCIA, we run into a lot of complications. Ironically, training unbaptized catechumens who have little or no Christian formation can seem simpler and easier. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are three things we can do to simplify the formation process for baptized candidates. The

Everybody into the pool — sorting the baptized candidates in the RCIA

Q&A: Why does the RCIA say that Easter Vigil is when we should baptize?

Q: What is the history of the Easter Vigil being the moment for the elect celebrating initiation? A. This is a great question! I wish there were an equally great answer. The truth is, it’s complicated. There are really two questions here. When did the church start celebrating the Easter Vigil, and when did the Easter

Q&A: Why does the RCIA say that Easter Vigil is when we should baptize?

Is your RCIA open all year-round? First contact: Catechizing your parish on talking with seekers

For those of you who are Star Trek fans, the term “first contact” has a special meaning—it’s that moment when the Federation (typically humans) encounter an alien race for the first time. In the Star Trek universe, how well that “first contact” goes can have repercussions for generations, be it the positive relationship that developed

Is your RCIA open all year-round? First contact: Catechizing your parish on talking with seekers

Q&A: How do RCIA teams discern the readiness of children for becoming catechumens?

Q: How do we “see” the signs of readiness with children and youth for celebrating the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens? A. This is a great question. Thinking through the process of discernment for children and youth really challenges us to understand why discernment is important in the first place. In the

Q&A: How do RCIA teams discern the readiness of children for becoming catechumens?

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Having all your seekers around the same table

Perhaps one of the most common questions I hear when moving to a year-round process is, do we need to break everyone up into separate groups to facilitate the preparation process? In other words, keeping together certain cohorts who may be on a similar path? Or keeping cohorts who “started” together in a separate group?

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Having all your seekers around the same table

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