
What would happen if every parish had an ongoing (year-round) RCIA process?

In a recent interview, Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, said that Pope Francis has opened the church to a strong emphasis on four theological priorities: mission encounter the peripheries mercy Accomplishing a shift to these priorities, he said, “will require changes on how we do and are church.” Cardinal Tobin did not mention the […]

What would happen if every parish had an ongoing (year-round) RCIA process?

Q&A: Does the RCIA have a category for unbaptized, catechized seekers?

Q: What would you do with someone coming from a tradition that baptizes adults and older teens and so was catechized but never baptized? We don’t have an unbaptized, catechized, category. A:This is a great question, and it is actually a fairly common one. In the United States and in some parts of Canada and

Q&A: Does the RCIA have a category for unbaptized, catechized seekers?

The pandemic and three unspoken RCIA assumptions

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely disrupted our liturgical life. And that disruption has uncovered some previously unspoken assumptions about liturgy and the rites for catechumens. In a recent article in America magazine, for example, Anthony R. Lusvardi, SJ, writes about his struggles with presiding at streamed liturgies.  The main point he wants to make is

The pandemic and three unspoken RCIA assumptions

Q&A: When should we introduce seekers to the Sign of the Cross?

Q: When is the appropriate time for an inquirer or catechumen to begin using the Sign of the Cross? A: You have probably heard the saying, lex orandi, lex credendi (the law of praying establishes the law of belief). The Sign of the Cross perfectly illustrates that maxim. However, there do not seem to be any canonical or juridical

Q&A: When should we introduce seekers to the Sign of the Cross?

Is your RCIA open all year-round? First contact: Catechizing your parish on talking with seekers

For those of you who are Star Trek fans, the term “first contact” has a special meaning—it’s that moment when the Federation (typically humans) encounter an alien race for the first time. In the Star Trek universe, how well that “first contact” goes can have repercussions for generations, be it the positive relationship that developed

Is your RCIA open all year-round? First contact: Catechizing your parish on talking with seekers

A year-round, apprenticeship model for RCIA gives me confidence that we are forming disciples

Rosie Rundell has been a Pastoral Associate for Seven Dolors Catholic Church in Manhattan, Kansas, for 21 years. She has been involved with RCIA ministry for over 30 years in four different parishes. She received her undergraduate degree from Benedictine University, Atchison, Kansas; a Masters degree in Pastoral Ministry and a certificate in Spiritual Direction

A year-round, apprenticeship model for RCIA gives me confidence that we are forming disciples

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