
Is your RCIA open all year-round? Making room for parish events

What is more important for your catechumens and candidates—attending a catechetical session or attending a parish event? And let me ask a follow-up question—at which occasion does catechesis happen? Let’s start with the second question because that answer is going to inform the answer to the first. Catechesis happens at both occasions. For far too

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Making room for parish events

The first step in catechumenate formation is to recover our “capacity for symbol”

“How can we grow in our capacity to live in full the liturgical action?” asks Pope Francis in his June 29 apostolic letter on liturgical formation. “How do we continue to let ourselves be amazed at what happens in the celebration under our very eyes?” (31). I think this may be the most important question

The first step in catechumenate formation is to recover our “capacity for symbol”

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Having everyone around the same table

Is it time to reconsider following cohort model in our formation processes? The Oxford dictionary defines a “cohort” as “a group of people with a shared characteristic.” It’s a model that has been used in education since the beginning—grouping children into a grade level based on age with the understanding that a similar age corelates

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Having everyone around the same table

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