
Q&A: Can a catechumen be baptized and then wait on confirmation and eucharist?

Q.  We have both child and adult catechumens who are asking if they can just be baptized and then continue on with their formation to celebrate confirmation and eucharist when they are ready. Is that possible? A. For both unbaptized adults and children who have reached the age of reason, when they are ready to

Q&A: Can a catechumen be baptized and then wait on confirmation and eucharist?

Reconnecting with the experience of baptism: the neophytes and the community

Because I was just a baby when I was baptized, I am more than ever intrigued by the experience of being present at the celebration of baptism now. And with ministry in Christian Initiation there is so much more! A few years ago our parish celebrated an Easter Vigil that became truly memorable, not because

Reconnecting with the experience of baptism: the neophytes and the community

What does baptism do? A mystagogy on the sacramental act of washing

Someone recently asked on Facebook, “What is the Easter Vigil for?” The person asking is from a Christian tradition that does not usually celebrate baptisms at the Vigil. If you’re old enough, you will remember when that was true for Roman Catholics. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults was issued shortly after Vatican II,

What does baptism do? A mystagogy on the sacramental act of washing

What’s happening with baptized RCIA candidates? A survey report

We recently asked folks what their experience is with baptized candidates in their formation processes. About 400 people responded, and here are the results: What is the current timeframe of your catechumenate process? Almost 45% of those who responded said they have a year-round process. I was happily surprised by that number. It could be

What’s happening with baptized RCIA candidates? A survey report

Jesus’s timing is perfect—one parish’s experience of year-round RCIA

Jess Panlener is on the Discipleship Team at St. Charles in Hartland, WI, outside of Milwaukee, where she is the RCIA (Becoming Fully Catholic) director, baptism coordinator, and adult and family minister. She holds a master’s degree in historical theology from Marquette University, but she is a Wisconsin Badger through and through. Jess and her

Jesus’s timing is perfect—one parish’s experience of year-round RCIA

What is the correct RCIA rite to use for baptizing the elect outside the Easter Vigil?

Most parishes in the United States, Canada, and Australia will be celebrating the sacraments of initiation with the elect in the coming weeks or months. Since this celebration is happening outside of the Easter Vigil, there is some confusion as to what ritual to use for initiation. The normative rite to use would be the

What is the correct RCIA rite to use for baptizing the elect outside the Easter Vigil?

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