Spread the Gospel: RCIA 75.4
This single sentence may be one of the most powerful statements in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Find out why. Learn more from our series on paragraph 75 of the RCIA:
Nick Wagner is the cofounder and codirector of Team Initiation.
This single sentence may be one of the most powerful statements in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Find out why. Learn more from our series on paragraph 75 of the RCIA:
Liturgy is basic food and nourishment for the catechumens. Discover the critical importance of celebrating appropriate rituals with them. Learn more from our series on paragraph 75 of the RCIA:
Suitable liturgical rites: RCIA 75.3
Let’s try a thought exercise. Pretend for a moment that you are God on the day before Creation. What is going through your mind? Are you perhaps lonely and dreaming of what it would be like to have companions? If you had companions, what would they be like? What would they do? How would you
RCIA catechists: Are you good stewards of imagination?
A key way the catechumens learn the faith is through the good example of the community. Explore this important passage in the RCIA. Learn more from our series on paragraph 75 of the RCIA:
Every once in a while, I meet an inquirer who is a Type A, goal-driven personality. He or she wants to know how many meetings we will have, how long they will last, and what book he should read. More often, however, it is the RCIA team that is goal-driven. We meet to create a
Learn what the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults means by “a suitable catechesis… accommodated to the liturgical year.” Learn more from our series on paragraph 75 of the RCIA:
A suitable catechesis: RCIA 75.1
One month after my 16th birthday—and one month after I got my driver’s license—I made a date with a girl I had a crush on. When I got home from school, I asked my dad if I could borrow his sports car for my date. He said no. We had just had an ice storm,
Five powerful discernment practices for RCIA teams
Why is it so difficult to know what to teach in the RCIA? Paragraph 75 of the rite gives us a clue. Watch this short video to find out. Learn more from our series on paragraph 75 of the RCIA:
What to teach in the RCIA: Use paragraph 75 as your guide
How skilled is your RCIA team at evangelization? Many teams don’t think about it much. Most of us have a few weeks of the year that we identify as the “precatechumenate,” but that often seems more like interviews or classes than evangelization. Here is what the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults says our teams
Three extremely easy evangelization skills every RCIA team can master
The opening dialogue between the presider and the inquirer sets the tone for the entire Rite of Acceptance.
The presider and the Rite of Acceptance in the RCIA