Articles by Nick Wagner

What choice do we have?

As we approach the Rite of Election, let’s explore more deeply the biblical notion of choice. Those of us from first-world countries are fanatical about choice. We believe choice is a birthright. We choose our forms of government, our careers, our friends, and our breakfast cereals. The ability to have so much choice is both […]

What choice do we have?

RCIA unwrapped

When I was kid, Christmas morning was amazing. My brothers and I would race down the stairs to see what was waiting for us under the tree. After furiously ripping through the packaging, our faces would light with joy over each toy. And more often than not, after an hour or so of playing with

RCIA unwrapped

Four ways RCIA teams can inculturate Christian life in the digital world

There are four major components of Christian life in which we train the catechumens: word, community, worship, and witness through works of mercy (see RCIA 75). Today, we have to ask how these areas of Christian life translate in the digital culture. (Click here to read my previous article on evangelization and catechesis in a

Four ways RCIA teams can inculturate Christian life in the digital world

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