Articles by Nick Wagner

RCIA: A radical, ground-breaking, world-shaking, world-transforming way of being church

Do you remember when you first heard about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults? If you are a lifelong Catholic in your 40s or younger, you probably grew up experiencing the rites. Older Catholics, on the other hand, remember growing up without the catechumenate. I learned about the RCIA in the 1980s when I

RCIA: A radical, ground-breaking, world-shaking, world-transforming way of being church

A few things you probably didn’t know about the scrutinies

There is no explicit “scrutiny” in the scrutinies In the early church, the bishop would publicly inquire of the godparents if their elect had been living a Christian life. That doesn’t happen in the current rite. Instead, the elect are “scrutinized” by hearing the proclamation of God’s word. There is an exorcism, but it’s not

A few things you probably didn’t know about the scrutinies

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