Blessed Easter to you!
Blessed Easter to you from all of us here at TeamRCIA! May God who dispels our darkness bring you new life and light this season and all year long.
Diana Macalintal is the cofounder and codirector of Team Initiation.
Blessed Easter to you from all of us here at TeamRCIA! May God who dispels our darkness bring you new life and light this season and all year long.
There’s something different about this year’s Triduum. Early in the morning before the sun comes up this Saturday, March 31, 2018, if you look up in the still-dark sky, you will see what I call the “Easter-is-coming-soon-moon”–the first full moon after the spring equinox. This is the moon that each year determines the date of
Blessed Christmas to you from all of us here at TeamRCIA! May God who chose to dwell with us bless you this season and all year long.
Christmas video card from TeamRCIA
In most of our RCIA processes, the majority of seekers we get are baptized catechized candidates. In this video, learn why these kinds of people are different than your catechumens and your baptized uncatechized candidates and how to help them in their unique formation process. Free gift for you! Here’s your free download mentioned in
VIDEO: How the initiation process is different for baptized catechized candidates
The most recent events in Las Vegas involving gun violence have put the spotlight on not only lawmakers but also on people of goodwill who genuinely want to offer prayers and thoughts for those affected by such overwhelming tragedy. As Christians, we indeed are called to pray for those affected and for change in our
Three ways Catholics can respond to gun violence – infographic
Many of you are probably beginning to plan for a celebration of the Rite of Acceptance. As you prepare your communities for this first public ritual of the RCIA, keep these best practices and things to avoid in mind. Free download: How long does RCIA take? Suggested best practices: Free download: How long does RCIA
Some Dos and Don’ts in the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens
Do you have a list of texts, catechetical resources, or other material you recommend to teach catechumens in the RCIA?
Q&A: Do you have a list of resources for teaching catechumens?
One article that has received a lot of comments here on TeamRCIA is “Why dismiss the catechumens before Jesus becomes present?” (Scroll down to the end of the article at the link to see all the comments so far!) Dismissal is such an integral part of the formation of catechumens that the rite lists it as one of
Looking again at why the dismissal is important
Q: Should an unbaptized catechumen celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to Easter Vigil? A: An unbaptized person cannot celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation—or any sacrament—until they have been baptized. See the Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1213: Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit
Q&A: Reconciliation (confession) before Baptism?
We have all had this happen. We find ourselves challenged to provide a suitable catechesis for an RCIA group that includes a raw beginner—someone who knows nothing about Christianity and has never lived as a disciple. And then in the same group, we have a mainline Protestant who knows more about Scripture than most Catholics
What kind of catechesis is suitable for RCIA seekers?