Author name: Clare Colella

Children, initiation, and mystagogy

The mystagogical period, when the newly initiated deepen their understanding through reflection on their lived experiences of ritual, is a profound and rewarding aspect of Christian initiation ministry. This process of mystagogy is especially powerful when working with children and youth. Young people seem to possess an innate openness and sensitivity to spiritual mysteries that […]

Children, initiation, and mystagogy

Fasting and Feasting: Preparing Hearts for the Easter Mysteries

As we mark the progression of Lent week by week, we may be finding that the practices of prayer, fasting, and doing works of charity are becoming more like habits, like automatically putting our coins into the “Mission Box” for organizations like Holy Childhood or Catholic Relief Services. Or intentionally avoiding the fridge on fasting

Fasting and Feasting: Preparing Hearts for the Easter Mysteries

Lent at home

Some experiences from my childhood have shaped my spirit and understanding of Lent. Once the solemn busyness of Ash Wednesday Mass was over, our family’s daily life in Lent was anything but normal. Our Lenten intentions of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving were posted on the refrigerator, and we strived to follow through, with Mom and

Lent at home

Summertime Faith

It was early May that year when my office phone rang. The woman calling was so excited to tell me about how the Easter Vigil celebration had triggered something in her—a realization that she was missing something in her own life. But It was the sight of the joyous “people all dressed in those white

Summertime Faith

Mystagogy of the Easter Vigil

We found ourselves in the quiet, dimly lit church, a few evenings after the Easter Vigil. The neophytes, godparents, sponsors, candidates, catechumens, an inquirer, and team members were gathered, surrounded by the scent of incense and the sound of the flowing baptismal font, illuminated by the Paschal Candle. As we paused from our busy lives,

Mystagogy of the Easter Vigil

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