
How will you respond this Easter to visitors interested in the Catholic Church?

Here’s the scenario: You’ve just finished a long but wonderful Easter Vigil. After months of weekly meetings, leading dismissal sessions, and doing discernment interviews, all the Elect have been baptized, and you’re looking forward to the last few gatherings of the RCIA post-Triduum before you take a well-deserved summer break. As you’re gathering up all […]

How will you respond this Easter to visitors interested in the Catholic Church?

Holy Thursday

The event of central importance on Holy Thursday will be the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper—the liturgy which begins the Triduum. I hope everybody is going to take part in this wonderful celebration! I won’t try to anticipate what takes place. Better to experience it for yourself. Perhaps Holy Thursday is also a good

Holy Thursday

"Spy Wednesday"

This altarpiece (1508-17) is the work of the sculptor, Master Paul, in the church of Saint James in Levoča, in Upper Hungary (now part of the Slovak Republic). A good deal of individual character is written into each of the faces and figures. Look at Judas, seated across from Jesus, a moneybag slung over his shoulder

"Spy Wednesday"

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