
History of the scrutinies: 3 things your RCIA team needs to know

The initiation rites of the third, fourth, and fifth Sundays of Lent don’t have the most comforting of names. On these days we engage the elect in rites and prayers called scrutinies and exorcisms. The first connotes probing and critical examination of one’s life, and the second—well, let’s just say many of us have had […]

History of the scrutinies: 3 things your RCIA team needs to know

Ash Wednesday FAQs

I’m off to help distribute ashes at Mass later today. I’ve done this a few times in my life, and it’s always a humbling experience. Yes, the ashes remind us of our mortality and dependence on God, but that’s not mostly why I feel humbled. It’s humbling for me because I get to see so

Ash Wednesday FAQs

Will you be at the LA Congress?

These are some of the workshops I’m interested in at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress this weekend. If you plan to be there, look me up. When I’m not in a workshop, I’ll be at the Bayard / Twenty-Third Publications booth. Forming Adults in the Faith—Bishop Gerald Kincanas The Emerging Church—Richard Rohr Celebrating the

Will you be at the LA Congress?

Do you run your RCIA like a business? Maybe you should

Seventeen years ago, I left the professional ministry field and started a career in publishing. Ever since then, I’ve been fascinated by the intersection between business values and spiritual values. There can be a tendency among ministry folks to stereotype business people as being completely focused on money. Recent stories about unscrupulous bankers and greedy

Do you run your RCIA like a business? Maybe you should

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