
Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers — 27th-30th Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year A

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Background: Jesus the prophet again tells a story to the religious leaders that reminds us all that what matters in the kingdom/reign of God is not just words but actions that embody love. We will be good stewards of the kingdom/reign only by bearing such good fruit. Discussion Questions Describe […]

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers — 27th-30th Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year A

Q&A: How do RCIA teams discern the readiness of children for becoming catechumens?

Q: How do we “see” the signs of readiness with children and youth for celebrating the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens? A. This is a great question. Thinking through the process of discernment for children and youth really challenges us to understand why discernment is important in the first place. In the

Q&A: How do RCIA teams discern the readiness of children for becoming catechumens?

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Having all your seekers around the same table

Perhaps one of the most common questions I hear when moving to a year-round process is, do we need to break everyone up into separate groups to facilitate the preparation process? In other words, keeping together certain cohorts who may be on a similar path? Or keeping cohorts who “started” together in a separate group?

Is your RCIA open all year-round? Having all your seekers around the same table

Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers — 23rd-26th Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year A

Introduction to the 23d and 24th Sundays: We have finished reading Matthew’s narrative about how deep faith in Jesus is the only way of entrance into the Church. For two Sundays now we read Jesus’s discourse on what life in the Church is to be like. 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Background: This Sunday’s part

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Reflection Questions for RCIA Seekers — 23rd-26th Sundays in Ordinary Time, Year A

Jesus’s timing is perfect—one parish’s experience of year-round RCIA

Jess Panlener is on the Discipleship Team at St. Charles in Hartland, WI, outside of Milwaukee, where she is the RCIA (Becoming Fully Catholic) director, baptism coordinator, and adult and family minister. She holds a master’s degree in historical theology from Marquette University, but she is a Wisconsin Badger through and through. Jess and her

Jesus’s timing is perfect—one parish’s experience of year-round RCIA

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