
Prayer as a pathway to discernment: Seeking God’s will in catechumenate ministry

We have been asking catechumenate leaders and team members how they discern God’s will. (Click here if you’d like to share how you discern.) The one theme that is consistent in almost every answer is “prayer.” This makes sense, doesn’t it? Prayer is an essential aspect of the life of a disciple. It is through

Prayer as a pathway to discernment: Seeking God’s will in catechumenate ministry

From seekers to disciples: Unpacking the conversion journey within the Rite of Acceptance

Embarking on a journey of faith and seeking a deeper relationship with Christ is a profound and life-changing experience. The Rite of Acceptance plays a vital role in this conversion process. When we celebrate this rite with inquirers, they are changed from outsiders to insiders as the community embraces them as their own. But this

From seekers to disciples: Unpacking the conversion journey within the Rite of Acceptance

Reflection questions for RCIA seekers: Year A – Trinity Sunday through the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

You can reflect questions for every Sunday of the year by clicking here.Trinity SundayBackground: Grace, love, fellowship—these words from the end of this Sunday’s selection from 2 Corinthians provide the common threads that runs throughout all the readings. Today’s focus is not on the inner relationships among the Persons of the Trinity but upon their

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Reflection questions for RCIA seekers: Year A – Trinity Sunday through the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mystagogy of the Easter Vigil

We found ourselves in the quiet, dimly lit church, a few evenings after the Easter Vigil. The neophytes, godparents, sponsors, candidates, catechumens, an inquirer, and team members were gathered, surrounded by the scent of incense and the sound of the flowing baptismal font, illuminated by the Paschal Candle. As we paused from our busy lives,

Mystagogy of the Easter Vigil

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