
A three-step Triduum evaluation

Improve next year’s Triduum by evaluating this year’s celebration with this easy-to-use process. 1. RememberingThe first step in evaluating is to remember what happened. In the catechumenate process, this is called mystagogy. What did you see? What did you hear? What emotion did you feel? What was especially powerful? Negative responses are as valid as

A three-step Triduum evaluation

The Goal of the RCIA

I’m writing this on the First Sunday of Lent. Today is typically a hectic day in many catechumenate ministries. The candidates for election are stressed and may show up late for the parish Mass and the Rite of Sending. The catechumenate director or liturgist has a thousand details to attend to. There are friends and

The Goal of the RCIA

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