
Five Ways to Preach Mystagogically

These approaches to preaching mystagogically are defined by Jan Michael Joncas in Forum Essay, Number 4: Preaching the Rites of Christian Initiation (Chicago, Illinois: Liturgy Training Publications, 1994) 95-117. The five approaches outlined by Joncas are: hallowing cosmic symbols; exploring anthropological patterns; celebrating biblical history; analyzing beliefs and behaviors; and revealing the future present. According […]

Five Ways to Preach Mystagogically

What is Mystagogy?

Mystagogy: Savoring the Mystery of God by Diana Macalintal © 2007, Diana Macalintal. All rights reserved. Whodunit? Secret? Science? God is a mystery, but not like an Agatha Christie novel, or a secret reserved only for special people, or a math problem to be solved. God is a mystery in the way that grandma’s love

What is Mystagogy?

Holy Saturday

Today there is a great silence over the earth, for the King sleeps. The earth has trembled and fallen still, for the Lord sleeps in his fleshly nature; in the netherworld he is arousing those who have slept for ages. God is dead in the flesh, and has shaken Sheol to its foundtions. —From an

Holy Saturday

How Do I Become Catholic? – Part 1: God is calling. Now what?

The following is Part 1 of a brief overview by Diana Macalintal of the initiation process for adults considering becoming Catholic. Based on material originally written for the Diocese of San José website, you are welcomed to use or adapt it for your own parishes. Click here to download a formatted handout (pdf) of this

How Do I Become Catholic? – Part 1: God is calling. Now what?

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