
Baptismal Garments

What do I wear?! That’s a question I get often when I’m planning liturgies. Whether it’s the confirmation candidate, the newly-ordained, or even the bishop, himself, we have a natural concern over what to wear. The baptismal rite in the RCIA gives us at least one answer: Put on Christ. Therefore we physically clothe the […]

Baptismal Garments

More than just a preacher

Walter Burghardt, SJ, died Saturday at the age of 95. Though he wouldn’t have remembered, I met Burghardt more than 30 years ago, when I was 19, at a liturgy conference at the University of Notre Dame. As many of you know, and as I was ignorant of at the time, Burghardt was the model

More than just a preacher

How to teach the faith

There is a fine post on Walking the Rite Way that gives some insight about why moving toward a mystagogical process and away from an information delivery process is so difficult. This passage in particular names the fear that keeps many of us from taking the leap: It’s quite challenging, is this. It leaves the

How to teach the faith

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