Is your parish ready for the new translation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults?

Photo by scyther5 from Getty Images Pro

8 thoughts on “Is your parish ready for the new translation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults?”

    1. Hi Katherine and all. Diana sent a private reply about this to Katherine. We didn’t post in comments because it’s kind of long. Diana’s reply will show up as a blog post in the next week or two. Watch the weekly newsletter or this space.

  1. I can attest to the fact that for the past 15 years of my involvement in the “Team”, the folks progressing through the process oftentimes become far more involved in the parish and its ministries than “cradle Catholics”. Well over half of the participants dive right into the Church liturgical year cycle. I am just so thankful every Sunday when I look around the Sanctuary and see the families that have become a wonderful part of the body of Christ. Perhaps our local adaptation of the process comes with a bit of what we call Hoosier Hospitality here in Indiana. I know one thing for sure…without the catechesis the folks won’t understand what makes we Catholics the fullness we preach.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Bruce. Hospitality is so important! It should like you are doing great work. Thanks for your commitment.

  2. Elaine M Liming

    Parish leaders need to be educated in the new Order of RCIA if they choose to be evangelists. I have worked in the RCIA process for many years at different parishes and have found the parish priests and deacons had very little training. What you have stated is so true.

    Most Pastors don’t see themselves involved in this process and don’t understand the RCIA process. The young pastors are very clerical and see this as a control problem for them. These are the ones who think RCIA is just about getting people who want the sacraments and become Catholics quickly. One told me his seminary training included one class on RCIA. This man now has his own parish.

    The bishops need to lead and train pastors, deacons, and lay catechists well this time around!

  3. Gloria Scoyola

    So, from what I understand so far, there will be no Part II.2, 3, 4, 5 of the Rite. I’m sure that Part II.1 particular circumstances for children will appear somewhere. an amendment, maybe? Will there be a need for a second parish team for sacramental growth and formation of Christians baptized in another denomination. A different Rite book or ritual for example?

    Will the new RITE be available soon?

    1. Hi Gloria,

      No, your information is not correct. All of part II is still included in the proposed translation of the U.S. edition of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. The earliest possible date for a published text of the new translation is late 2023. If past history is a guide, it could very likely be later than that.

      To see all of our posts on the new translation, go to

      Also, see this video:

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