What happens when you rock the catechumenate boat?

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

2 thoughts on “What happens when you rock the catechumenate boat?”

  1. I’m looking forward to reading this book! I have felt that I have been the agent of change for the past 7 years – some were easy changes and others that made pulling teeth seem easier. Once again, I am the agent of change as my parish and two nearby ones form a region. One of the parishes is very resistant to change, especially to the year-round catechumenate. One of the areas I would like to strengthen is the (all three) parish’s involvement in the process – the parishioners taking a role in welcoming and befriending the seekers who show up. Everyone’s opinion is RCIA is those classes that are done “over there” for those people, and we in the pews are not involved. Trying to figure out the baby steps to take to get the parishioners where they need to be seems out of my grasp.

  2. Over my 30 years as RCIA catechist, any suggested changes have been resisted by team or pastor or both. Eventually after much struggle some get accepted. But it is too draining. For this reason, I will be leaving the RCIA after this year’s Mystagogia.

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