A simple history of reconciliation for RCIA catechists

Photo: "Shriving" by Lawrence, OP (Flickr)

1 thought on “A simple history of reconciliation for RCIA catechists”

  1. We review the Sacraments individually in the catecumenate period, and while explaining and discussing the Sacrament of Reconciliation we point out the penitential part of the liturgy and it’s purpose and power ( and explain that is why it’s necessary to prepare prayerfully prior to Mass). We also explain to them that in the mystogogy period, after their baptism, we will review the Sacrament and also review the actual process of going to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This typically is done 4-6 weeks after the Easter Vigil. Generally one of the team facilitators offers to review the process with them 1:1 as well. We have never suggested that the sponsor/God parent do this but after reading of this in your materials I think it is something we should try to adopt.

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