We often hear that mystagogy is a crucial part of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, but what does it actually look like? It’s not more classes or extra meetings. It is, rather, a way of being.
Mystagogy, at its heart, is about deepening our grasp of the Paschal Mystery and integrating it into our lives. It’s a process of reflection that helps us connect the liturgical experience with our daily existence. But how do we facilitate this? How do we move beyond simply knowing about our faith to actually living it? It begins with conversation.
The key is to engage in “mystagogical conversations.” These aren’t your typical Q&A sessions or lectures; instead, they are guided reflections that allow us to explore the mysteries of faith together. These conversations help us to see the liturgical encounter through the lens of our own lives. Think of it as peeling back the layers of an onion — each layer revealing a deeper understanding of God’s presence in our lives.
Here’s a practical step-by-step guide, drawn from the wisdom of the catechumenate itself, on how to have these mystagogical conversations.
Recollect a memorable moment
The journey begins with the liturgy. As Pope Benedict said, “the best catechesis on the Eucharist is the Eucharist itself, celebrated well” (15 June 2010). Don’t jump into theological explanations right away. Instead, take a moment to recall a particularly memorable moment from the liturgy. What actions, words, or symbols stood out? What do you remember? Ask questions like: What happened during the liturgy? What did you see or hear? What was most memorable to you? This is about embedding the experience in our minds.
- If it’s been a few days since the liturgy, consider using a guided meditation or a simple recounting of the highlights to help everyone remember the experience.
- For example, after the Easter Vigil, you might ask, “What was one thing that you remember seeing? Or one thing that you remember hearing? One action that struck you?”
Reflect on your personal experience
Next, invite everyone to remember what they were feeling at that most memorable point in the liturgy. Ask questions like: What did you feel? What engaged you the most, and what was most discomforting? Did you experience a sense of peace? Or were you moved by a particular prayer? Encourage people to pay attention to those feelings — they are where the Spirit speaks to our hearts. It’s not about evaluating the liturgy, but about what the Spirit was revealing to each individual. This step is crucial for beginners in the faith, who are still learning how to respond to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.
- Instead of asking, “Did you like the music?”, ask “How did the music make you feel?”
- If someone says they didn’t feel anything, that’s okay too. It is simply where they are in their faith journey.
Connect to the tradition
We don’t just stop at feelings. Now it’s time to connect those experiences to the broader tradition of the church. This is where you, as a catechist, exercise your gifts. Ask questions like, “What scripture passages does this remind you of?” or “What saints come to mind when you think of this experience?” Bring in the wisdom of the church, linking the present moment to our rich history. This step moves us from the individual to the communal experience of faith.
- For example, if someone felt a sense of peace during the laying on of hands, connect that to other rituals where hands are laid on people to bring peace.
- This isn’t about giving a lecture, but about weaving the personal stories into the fabric of our tradition.
The key is to engage in “mystagogical conversations.” These aren’t your typical Q&A sessions or lectures; instead, they are guided reflections that allow us to explore the mysteries of faith together.
Connect to daily life
This step focuses on how the liturgical experience connects to the seeker’s current life circumstances. The goal is to discern how the Holy Spirit might be addressing them through the liturgy.
Gently ask if there is something going on in the seeker’s life right now that needs to know this or needs to hear this message. Is there something going on at work or in family life that the Holy Spirit is speaking to?
Avoid generalizing. Instead, invite the seeker to explore the meaning of the liturgical experience for their everyday lives
Some questions to facilitate this include
- What’s happening right now in your own life, in our world, in our neighborhood that needs to remember what Christ is calling us to from our reflection today?
- What is the significance of the meaning for the Christian in the world today, having encountered Christ in this liturgical action?
- If comfortable, could you tell us is there’s something going on in your life right now that needs to know that Jesus is standing by your side?
The final step is to explore the meaning of this liturgical experience for our everyday lives. How is God calling us to live differently because of this encounter? What is happening in our own lives or in our world that needs to remember what we have encountered? This is where our faith starts to extend beyond the walls of the church and into our homes and neighborhoods. This connection is the heart of mystagogy, emphasizing that the liturgy calls us to conversion and mission in the world. If this step doesn’t lead us to live differently, we’ve missed the mark.
- Ask, “What will you do differently this week because of what you’ve experienced?” or “How will you live out this encounter with Christ in your daily life?”
- Remember that the goal is not just intellectual understanding, but a commitment to live our faith in the world.
Here are some mystagogical questions that anyone accompanying seekers on their faith journey can use. Share these, along with any other questions you might think of, with parents, sponsors, godparents, and catechumenate team members. Questions like these facilitate guided reflections, enabling both the seekers and the community to explore the mysteries of faith together.
- What was your most memorable moment?
- What was your favorite part?
- What did you see/hear/do/feel?
- What did it mean to you?
- What does it remind you of from the Bible or from Christian traditions?
- What does it tell you about God?
- What does it say about Christ?
- How did the rite communicate that?
- If that symbol could speak, what would it say to us about our faith?
- How does this change you?
These conversations aren’t meant to be one-time events. Rather, they can be integrated into your regular gatherings, as well as in more informal settings. Think of them as a way to see the world through the lens of the Paschal Mystery, helping us to be living witnesses to the resurrection in our daily lives.
By following these steps, you can facilitate meaningful mystagogical conversations that not only deepen the faith of the catechumens, candidates, and newly baptized but also renew the faith of the entire community. It’s about more than just going through the motions — it’s about allowing the Paschal Mystery to transform our lives.
Join us for our next online training webinar!
Mystagogical Catechesis: Renewal for the Entire Community
Unlock the transformative power of mystagogical catechesis and ignite your catechumenate team! Are you ready to move beyond traditional teaching methods and help seekers experience a deeper, more meaningful connection with Christ? Then you can’t miss this FREE webinar on February 13, 2025, at 11:00 AM Pacific Time.
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Excellent article, Nick. The Art of Reflection: A Practical Guide to Mystagogical Conversations. I am consistently impressed by how you bring the liturgy to life by stressing how our faith has to have an impact in our daily lives. This is helping me to be a better catechist and engage the seekers in conversations about how God is acting in their lives.
Thanks so much for your comment, Regina. You made my day! I’m glad the article is helpful. Blessings on your ministry.