The transformative power of the Rite of Sending

Photo by Darkdiamond67 from Getty Images

4 thoughts on “The transformative power of the Rite of Sending”

  1. A catechumen will be out of state for two weeks, including for the Rite of Election. She had already bought a plane ticket long before she knew about the date for this. and was traveling with others. How might we celebrate her as one of the Elect?

    1. Hi Cathy. You can celebrate the Rite of Election with her in the parish when she returns. Celebrate it on the Second Sunday of Lent, or at a weekday Mass, or at a liturgy of the word service sometime before the Third Sunday of Lent. Depending on your diocese’s policies, you may need to have your pastor request delegation from the bishop’s office to preside.

  2. Our diocese has a combined Rite of Election (for the catechumens) and Call to Continuing Conversion (for the candidates). We do a Rite of Sending for our candidates (we rarely have a catechumen). Is that proper to do that, as you only mention catechumens in the article on the Rite of Sending?

    1. Hi Mary. In the appendix at the back of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, you will find the combined Rite of Sending Catechumens for Election and Candidates for the Calling to Continuing Conversion. You can use that if you have candidates. Note, the rites for candidates in the OCIA are only for those who were baptized as infants and then received no further catechetical formation. See OCIA 400.

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