The art of spiritual accompaniment: Going beyond doctrinal checklists

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4 thoughts on “The art of spiritual accompaniment: Going beyond doctrinal checklists”

  1. Thanks for the article on accompanying.
    It is a strong reminder about making time in each encounter with the seeker to be flexible with our “lesson plan” to listen, question, and to discern with them, not for them. By praying for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and trusting in the Lord that in His perfect timing and places, He knows the readiness and openness of our hearts to receive and how best to experience His Love.
    I feel the message in this article is very good to share with sponsors.
    Thanks you.

  2. Been working with guy since feb. Have yet to discuss beliefs, scripture, liturgy. I learned your well articulated article the hard way. It works perfectly.

    1. Hi Tom. Thank you for your input. I pray your patience with your seeker will bear fruit soon. Blessings.

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