Moving from teachers to accompanists in the catechumenate process

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18 thoughts on “Moving from teachers to accompanists in the catechumenate process”

  1. Patricia Thomas

    Sounds very hard and messy. But we live in a messy Church. It requires of us much more than just knowledge and perhaps the catechists are not the best choice for accompaniment . Isn’t that what the sponsors are for?

    1. Hi Patricia. I agree that this ministry can be hard and messy at times. But that’s true about the best things in our lives a lot of times — especially when it comes to relationships with others. Pope Francis said we have to take on the smell of the sheep. By which, I think he meant that we cannot be catechists from afar. We have to be walking alongside our seekers, accompanying through all the ups and downs of their journey of faith, sharing in their joys and their pains. It is certainly a role for their sponsors, but it is no less important for catechists to be accompanists as well. I wrote a series of articles on what the church teaches about the ministry of the catechist that you might be interested in:

      Also, this book goes into detail about how to involve the entire parish in the ministry of accompaniment:

      Blessings on all the great work you are doing!

    2. Well stated. Early in my years as a catechism I was blessed to have heard that our job was not to teach the faith, it was to allow people to rub up against us as we journeyed together. It was much more fun this way. It was usually them asking questions about the church or the readings or life from a Catholic perspective and us exploring for answers together. Little preparation needed, lots of humility and a sense of humor.

      1. Hi Bill. Love the image of allowing people to rub up against us as we journey together! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for your commitment to this ministry.

  2. John Witchger

    Thanks Nick. You sound like you have been in our parish. We have a similar collection of candidates and while this is the first year I served on the team, the mindset of teachers and curriculum is also similar. We have been asked to accompany the candidates but this is only a minor role and I was appointed five which I could hardly keep up with each—a high school graduate, a masters level student, a truck driver, a business manager and a fiancée.

    1. Hi John. Wow that sounds like a lot. I’m sure the team and your parish will benefit from your commitment. I hope you are able to find some fellow accompanists to help you with your ministry. Thank you for all your good work.

  3. Perfect. You have summed up what we have been thinking for the last 10 years of our 30 year RCIA history. Of course, we are meeting moderate, some times strong, headwinds as we implement this very old, very successful, method of opening minds to the world of “NEW”. I just recently visited a 1740 schoolhouse in which was inscribed the founders directive, “Teach less, learn more.” We’ve been using this philosophy which you so eloquently explained for just three years. It has been not only100% effective but not surprisingly as much of a faith journey for us, the RCIA TEAM, as it is for the people who come to us. We now begin our relationship with the new people with the words, “Welcome to our community. We are happy that you have invited us to join your journey of faith.”

    It works.


  4. Catherine Cornue

    As someone who was immersed in the “school model” of RCIA, looking for the right materials to use with inquirers/catechumens/candidates, it was a challenge – and a relief – to move into accompaniment. The biggest difficulty for our parish is building our team so that we can journey more effectively with each person.

    1. Hi Cathy. Thanks for stepping up to meet the challenge. I pray that as you continue to build your team, the Holy Spirit will send you more accompanists to support you in your mission. Keep up the good work!

  5. I believe this article is so spot on. I, too have been on RCIA teams that have missed the message of accompaniment. As you mentioned in the beginning regarding the inquirers, I’ve been on teams that have intentionally overlooked and/or don’t truly asses the varying backgrounds, experiences or lack thereof, etc., of each inquirer and just lump everyone into one pile and “let’s start our program.”

    The spirituality of accompaniment is so vital and key in the entire faith journey within the RCIA. Jesus Christ is our ultimate role model in the accompaniment journey. He didn’t just teach, but he deeply listened with great sincerity, dignity, compassion and charity to the lives of the twelve and all those who encountered him. And upon hearing what they shared, Jesus addressed each one as to who it pertained too. Why? Because each of us have our own stories, both life and faith.

    So many times I’ve encountered RCIA teams in various parishes and the program of classroom teaching and students were just not doing it IMHO. But very sadly, many continue to be content and satisfied with this format. And then wonder why some new Catholics have drifted away.

    So much thanks for sharing this very valuable lesson and reiterating what Pope Francis has called us to do. I pray that many will embrace it so that their ministry can truly produce much good fruits.

    1. Thank GP. I’m glad you found the article helpful. As you point out, Jesus is, indeed, our ultimate role model. If we keep that truth in mind, we will be doing the work the church asks us to do. Thank you for your commitment.

  6. excellent article that challenged me. How would you go about the accompaniment? Would each team member accompany one person?
    How would the group come together? Would they be received into the
    Church individually ? Also the diocesan regulations would enter into
    this process.

    1. Great questions! I don’t think there is one definitive model. Each seeker is different, and every parish is different. Some team members might only be able to accompany one person at time. Some team members might be able to accompany several seekers. Some seekers might require a “mini-team” of accompanists. Some seekers might be received into full communion individually, and some who the Holy Spirit has guided on a similar trajectory might be received as a group. If you read through some of our articles on discernment, you will start to get a sense of how to know when folks are ready to take the next step:

  7. Sr. Joyanne Sullivan

    Hi Nick, thank you so much for this article. As many of the workshops and articles I am affirmed of what I am doing with our OCIA family. I was so luck to have a pastor 12 years ago that was a part of Sheri Weddell’s Making Disciples and he sent his formation teams for three summers with Sheri in Cold Springs Colorado. That experience changed our OCIA, the school method was gone and we have been fellow journey people with our folks. What you have shared is so true. The Seekers are not the only ones transformed. Blessings on your ministry to all of us. Sr. Joyanne

    1. Hi Sr. Joyanne. I’m glad you found the article helpful. I am so glad to hear about your story and the transformation of your parish’s ministry to the seekers. Blessing on all the great work you are doing.


    Thank you for all you do. Theory is great. What does this look like in real time with a group of 20 participants and a team of 5? We have some unbaptized seeking full initiation; some baptized Catholics seeking completion of sacraments of initiation; some Christians baptized in a different tradition seeking full communion with the Catholic Church.
    What are team members doing when they accompany? In our process we have weekly catechesis topics of discussion. We try to promote a dialogue to encourage seekers to think about and consider their response to the topic; we go to Mass together as a group, break open the Word together as a group with individual reflections; we do service projects together as a group; retreat with lots group and individual reflection; prayer experiences. We work to facilitate encounters with Christ and rely on the Holy Spirit to bring about the conversion. I’m not sure how we could/should change what we do.

    1. Hi Alice. Your question gets at the heart of practical implementation, and the way you described your current process seems to reflect a lot of what the church envisions for spiritual accompaniment. To answer your question about what you might change, you might take a look at your weekly topic structure.

      If you want to provide genuine spiritual accompaniment for your seekers, you might ask: Do these topics emerge organically from the seekers’ lived experiences in the parish and liturgy, or are they pre-determined beforehand? An accompaniment model suggests that discussions would arise from the actual journey of the seekers, reflecting their real-life encounters with Christ in the community.

      The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults doesn’t mandate weekly meetings. While weekly gatherings can be beneficial if a parish has the resources, the catechumenate is fundamentally a year-round process of accompaniment. Formal weekly meetings aren’t a requirement — what matters is continuous, intentional spiritual accompaniment.

      Your current approach already offers many elements of accompaniment:
      • Attending Mass together
      • Breaking open the Word
      • Participating in service projects
      • Creating retreat and prayer experiences
      • Facilitating dialogue and reflection

      The Directory for Catechesis affirms that the Christian community is the “origin, locus and goal of catechesis.” Your team can lean into this by:
      • Listening deeply to seekers’ stories
      • Helping seekers connect their experiences to faith
      • Modeling missionary discipleship
      • Creating space for the Holy Spirit’s transformative work

      The subtle shift is viewing these activities not as a structured program, but as opportunities for genuine spiritual accompaniment. Team members walk alongside seekers, helping them discover Christ’s presence in their everyday lives.

      Consider these questions:
      • Are your discussion topics emerging from the seekers’ actual experiences?
      • Could you reduce formal meeting frequency and increase organic, as-needed accompaniment?
      • How might you more intentionally connect parish life, liturgy, and seekers’ personal journeys?

      This article might be helpful if you’d like to read more:

      Also, you might want to see this book: Your Parish Is the Curriculum:

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