Understanding the role of godparents in the catechumenate

Photo by by Eliza Alves from Corelens

9 thoughts on “Understanding the role of godparents in the catechumenate”

  1. I plan to share this with Sponsors and Godparents! It will help to affirm what I tell them, and also remind us that sometimes we blur the distinctions, often because of geographical situations.

  2. You make an excellent point. We do not form godparents very well. In internet groups, I see a lot of angst from godparents about what to gift their godchild but not a lot of discussion about how to spiritual form the newbie.

    1. Thanks for your thought, Victoria. I think most godparents have good hearts and good intentions, but we don’t “raise the bar” very high when we ask them to take on this important responsibility. I think if we just gave them a little more help and guidance, many godparents would step up to the challenge.

  3. Karen Jennings

    Yes, I will share this information with team members and sponsors.. now God parents. Even though, in our parish, the same sponsors remain with our Elect.
    Thank you!

  4. Dcn Adrian Ng

    A great article. I was looking for others who see the connection between St Paul’s spiritual fathers (1 Cor 4:15), the ministry of godparents and disciple-making. Done well, the disciplemaking movement can renew the entire Church

  5. As usual, I found this extremely useful and helpful.
    It consolidates what we explained at the beginning of the program.
    It can be shared with godparents and elect. Thank you very much

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