Is your RCIA open all year-round? Having everyone around the same table

Photo by StefanDahl.

2 thoughts on “Is your RCIA open all year-round? Having everyone around the same table”

  1. Patrick Steil

    Would like to hear the nuts and bolts of how you make this work.

    I embrace the liturgy of the Mass being a part of the whole experience, but two things I thought of when reading this article:

    1. The Mass is designed first to be participating in the Worship of our LORD in the Eucharist. So first, it isn’t necessarily designed to be a time of instruction in the details of the Faith, and 2nd a Catechumenate cannot yet participate in the Eucharist.

    2. Participation in the Liturgy in a more full sense I believe requires answers to a lot of questions as to “why” are we doing this or that (every little thing we do) in Mass – not that you have to have a full understanding of every little thing, but at least enough to help you understand the correct attitude and attention at Mass – this seems to me the place for RCIA instruction.

    Again, without hearing the nuts and bolts of how you all make year round work, I am not yet seeing what you are saying, but am open to it because I do like the premise of what you are saying, that people should enter the Church when they are ready – but I do believe there is also something good about making people wait, study, understand, grow in their love and Trust through submission to Christ through their love and Trust and submission to His Church.


  2. Hi Patrick,

    Thanks for your comments. John wrote a book about how he uses this process in his parish, which you can find here:

    Also see this book on how to use the entire parish as the curriculum:

    And for more free articles on this topic, see these:

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