Why the RCIA period of mystagogy is crucial for your neophytes

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2 thoughts on “Why the RCIA period of mystagogy is crucial for your neophytes”

  1. Carolyn R Stucke

    Tuesday night after the Easter Vigil the Neophytes and RCIA Team Meet as our usual Tuesday evening session. We begin with a guided meditation about the Easter Vigil to call all the steps to mind. Then everyone writes the answers to the following questions: What did you see that will stay with you forever? What did you hear….? What did you smell? What did you feel? How did you feel being able to receive the body and blood of our Lord for the first time? Which part of the Easter Vigil made the most impact on you?
    We take the questions one or two at a time and discuss them. The responses by the Neophytes and the Team Members never fails to fill our hearts with joy and amazement! Through out Mystagogy, when we meet, we discuss other heart warming insights. The comments are the final reflection on the Mass and our membership in the Church. As a coordinator of RCIA, I would never skip this important period. It is too valuable !

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