Is your RCIA open all year-round? Much ado about doing the RCIA online

Photo by Clément H on Unsplash

4 thoughts on “Is your RCIA open all year-round? Much ado about doing the RCIA online”

  1. No question that face to face sharing our story is most effective but when it is impossible to be everywhere at once, writing can be a source of ministry. The letters of St. Paul come to mind.

  2. How do we then work with those who work evenings or work out of town and cannot come to the Tuesday night 7 pm class? We will be missing a lot of people who want to be Catholic.

  3. I had the opportunity to put a young adult through the RCIA process via online classes because of his disabilities and lack of transportation, a couple of year ago. I t was an amazing educational and challenging experience.

    Jorge Medina Zamorano, Th.D.
    St. Augustine Catholic Church
    Casselberry, FL 32707

  4. We have many people that are spouses of a Catholic that work out of town (truckdriver) or work hours that do not fit with our sessions (nurses) to meet with us face to face. I agree that the relationship formed with others going through the process and with the team and sponsor is invaluable but many of these people attend Mass with their spouse but have some reservations about some teachings of the Catholic faith that their spouses have not been able to respond to adequately. Most have already developed a relationship with Christ as a member of a protestant denomination and really want to know what makes the Catholic Church different from their faith tradition. Why they should become a Catholic?
    Our priest has invited these people year after year to learn more about the Catholic Church but it just does not work to come to our weekly sessions. He has asked me to put together resources that they can use on their own such as things to read, CD’s to listen to and DVD’s or streamed items that they can do on their own but then meet with him and myself periodically to answer questions and see if they are finding answers to the questions they have.

    I wish there was a better solution for these people.

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