This is the time of year when we make resolutions for the future. The problem is, we are often full of good intentions and low on resolve. Lots of people say that the way to make sure we stick to our resolutions is to keep them small and simple. I’m not so sure about that. I think it might also be important to have at least one, big, complex, audacious goal that we strive for. Thinking and acting big keeps us excited and engaged.
Whatever your strategy — small, big, or both — here are 17 resolution for 2017. Please share in the comments box if you choose one or more of these to act on this year. Or add to the list.
Happy New Year!
- Plan for change. We all hate change, but change happens. We can either be ready for it or surprised by it.
- Resist inertia. Just because you have always done it that way doesn’t mean you have to in the future.
- Improve your celebration of the Rite of Acceptance. Here are six ways you can make yours better.
- Upgrade your RCIA team job description.
- Improve your discernment process.
- Add or develop a new skill this year.
- Resolve to stop complaining about the size of your RCIA team.
- Get some sleep.
- Make this the year you move to a year-round catechumenate.
- Become a better listener.
- Learn to let go of your limitations.
- Get some more training for you and your team.
- Become a better leader.
- Improve your adult teaching skills.
- Master the difference between evangelization and faith formation.
- Start living the dream.
- Change the universe.
Love the last one!
Happy New Year to you, TeamRCIA.
Thanks for the great work you do.
Peace and joy, love and hope from the Land of Oz.
I did my doctoral thesis at CTU on the parish as an initiating community. The first parish job I had after that was reasonably open to collaboration with me and the RCIA team — but I got laid off for financial reasons after 2 years, so I don’t know if what I started was able to continue. After a few years I began working at a smaller parish — around 400 families — mostly older people who had been helping with various things for years, very little of which included RCIA. I inherited a weary team and a parish culture that felt old and tired. You are stirring me up to at least noticing that I’m not doing what I so blithely wrote about 17 years ago in my thesis. Of course RCIA is only one part of a very large job description (we have 4 1/2 staff people, I have about 4 responsibilities besides RCIA, and a small team of helpers.) Plus I’m older than I was when I wrote what I was supposed to be doing. I’m not sure what New Year’s resolution I should be making, but I thought it might be a good idea to address weariness and lack of resources — or lack of imagination? Thanks.